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Wellness Programs


"Reset Me" - 10 Day or 28 Day Detox Program

A 10- or 28-day whole food nutritional reset and herbal detoxification program. The Reset Me wellness package is designed to target your overall health and wellness by detoxifying the liver, balancing hormones, stimulating weight loss, balancing blood sugar and eliminating inflammatory foods. It includes a dietary whole foods shake, a guided 10-day or 28 day whole food nutritional reset and a 30 min consultation to go over your health goals and to tailor the program to your unique needs.

CLICK HERE for more information!

"Enlighten Me" - Effortless Weight Loss Program

The Enlighten Me wellness package is designed for those who are struggled with typical weight loss programs and are looking for life long skills to establish a healthy relationship with their body and with food and dieting. This program includes our unique Effortless Weight Loss Lifestyle Program which is informed by Daoist and 5 Element theory as well as 10 Abdominal Acupuncture Sessions, booked 2x week for 5 weeks to get the targeted results you are looking for.

CLICK HERE for more information!

"Adorn Me" Acupuncture Face Lift Package


The Adorn Me wellness package is an acupuncture “Face Lift” series designed to completely revitalize your face with 10 total 90 minutes Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments booked 2 x week for 5 weeks for targeted results. Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture is an excellent and natural, chemical-free way to stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten and tone the jowels includes acupuncture points that treat the whole body as well, and includes LED light therpay. Save over $100 when booking this package and get the results you are looking for!

CLICK HERE for more information!


Have Questions?

Please reach out! We are happy to answer questions and want to make sure the wellness program you are interested in is a good fit for you.

CLICK HERE to write us a message

or call the office at 785-371-1141

Ready to Purchase?

CLICK HERE to purchase a wellness program!

Lawrence Acupuncture Integrative Health Clinic

841 New Hampshire St.  Lawrence, KS 66044

(785) 371-1141

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Mud & Lotus Outdoor Soaking Tub and Sauna


Standard Process High-quality Nutritional Supplements


MediHerb Herbal Supplements